Prep for GMAT – The top rated app for studying for the GMAT

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Prep for GMAT – The top rated app for studying for the GMAT

Would a rose smell as sweet by any other name? Juliet thought so, but then again she wasn’t searching for roses on the web.

Prep4GMAT, rather than Prep for GMAT, is the official name of the top-ranked GMAT app on the iTunes App Store. So far over 100,000 hopeful MBA applicants have used it to study for the GMAT, and it can help you too.

For many of our users, Prep4GMAT has been instrumental in helping them reach a higher score on the GMAT.

The best part? The app is completely free.

What do I get on the app?

Prep4GMAT is a comprehensive GMAT course, meaning that it covers everything you need to know in order to do well on the exam.

The app consists of bite-sized lessons that breakdown the essential concepts of all verbal and quantitative question types, practice questions with detailed explanations, timed practice tests and analytics that help you track your strengths and weaknesses on the exam.

Prep4GMAT’s analytics can help you take the confusion out of studying showing you the specific areas of the exam you should target in order to make the most improvement in your score.

How do I use the app to prep for the GMAT?

After you download the app, you’ll start with a short, 10-question test that will help the app identity your strengths and weaknesses on the GMAT. This quick test will also set your initial predicted GMAT score that’s displayed on your dashboard.

As you study with the app and practice questions and take tests, your predicted score will show your progress, increasing in points in proportion to your improvement.

After the initial test, you have the choice to follow the app’s study course, which will guide you through lessons and practice questions that explain the essential verbal and quantitative concepts tested on the GMAT, or to chart your own path by studying any of the lessons you choose, practicing those lessons’ practice questions or taking a test that mimics the experience of the actual exam.

Sounds great, but what makes Prep4GMAT better than other GMAT apps?

Besides the price (free), the previously mentioned analytics and predicted score generator, Prep4GMAT’s secret sauce is the X-ray button and intuitive Label Study Method.

While practicing GMAT questions, touching the X-ray button will highlight keywords in the question. These keywords act as clues as to which concepts are being tested in the question. When you recognize the concepts tested in a question, it’s much simpler to figure out how to find the correct answer.

Using this feature while you practice questions develops your abilities to dissect questions, recognize trap answers and find correct answers more efficiently. Sound too good to be true? Try it out yourself.It’s already helped countless users become better test takers, including Elad Shoushan, the creator of Prep4GMAT, who used this method to drastically increase his GMAT score.

Can I get Prep4GMAT on Android? What about my iPad?

Prep4GMAT is available for both iOS and Android devices. iPhones, iPads, tablets and Android phones all run the app. Download the app from the Google Play store here or the iTunes App Store here.

An app can’t be everything I need to study for the GMAT. Right?

We beg to differ. Mobile apps are the future standardized test prep because they can pack powerful study material, tools and technology, such as adaptive learning technology, into a convenient package that frees students to study anywhere, anytime.

Apps also allow for greater communication and accessibility. For example, whenever you need a little extra help prepping for the GMAT, you can reach out to a host of expert tutors directly through the app. Prep4GMAT simplifies finding one-on-one help and the resources you need to really do well on the exam.

Try Prep4GMAT out yourself or learn more about the app and how it works.

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